Thursday 6 November 2008

New Mainstore finally complete

Well its been a long process but i have finally completed a new home for AVZ.
Its going to be hard for me to leave OnCom its been my base for nearly 2 years but i was beggining to feel hemmed in on all sides.
The new SIM Laymon is stand alone so it does ofcourse suffer a lot less lag and it also means that the presentation and design of my new SIM will not suffer the conflict stylistically with what is around me.(thats a nice way of saying surrounded by ugly builds btw)

The change does not stop only at the redesign of my store ive pretty much dumped more than half of my old line and will only be taking a few choice and favourite designs forward.
The reason for doing this is that all throughout my activities in SL ive been learning and developing and i hope to continue to do so. The style my work has reflected till now shows the many different influences of what im into but i think things had become a little too random and confused as far as what AVZ as a brand is meant to reprasent.
I feel now i have found my style and everything in my store will reflect this. It is also just good to get some space a clean canvas if you like.
All i need to do now is fill up my new store with lots of new items! but dont worry after a little break i have many new ideas to execute and i hope if you have been a loyal fan of AVZ up to this point that i will continue to make work you enjoy.

Id also like to highlight here the new system im using for my vendors as a fan of clean minimal design i always found it a pain to try squeeze text onto a poster that explains every last function or feature of a product! If you know AVZ then id hope you just expect the product to be great quality but it is ofcourse important to let people know what they are buying beforehand so they can make an informed choice.

So every vendor now has the above logo and when you want to find out more about the product your looking at simply click it and follow the blue drop down menu to this very blog. Id also love to get some of your favourite images of each product and your feedback and comments too.

You will also hopefully be aware by now of my opening event Friday Nov 7th starting 3pm SLT i hope to see you all there to help me celebrate the move!

Well thats all for now im still new to the whole blogging thing but im sure i wont find it too hard to talk about what i do and maybe some of you will even find it quite interesting!

So if you are reading this why not let me know you are there with a comment.

Peace Hern ♥

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! I love the stuff you make and I am praying for a set of arms to match my mech stilletos one day. Anyways Im a big fan of your stuff.